Our faces can be enhanced in many ways and eyebrows play a vital role in creating harmony within the face, which is why people are constantly looking for different techniques to enhance and beautify their eyebrows. 

Since the beginning of time, we’ve been trying various tricks and techniques to make ourselves beautiful, because who doesn’t like well-defined eyebrows or lips that are fuller?

If you too want naturally appealing brows, then microblading is something that you should consider. The procedure is not cheap but the benefits of such beauty treatments are completely justified given the time, expertise and skill required to perform it properly. 

One of the first questions asked is: How long are they going to last? The expected length of time for this procedure lasting can vary due to several factors. To know more, read on!

How Much Does The Procedure Cost?

Let’s first talk about the cost of getting perfect eyebrows. Considering other cosmetic procedures, microblading is relatively low cost.

The price varies depending on the area you live in and the experience of your permanent makeup artist.

The average cost of good microblading ranges from $500 to $1000 for the first round. Microblading also requires touch-ups, which cost less than the full procedure but still have to be done once about 4-6 weeks after the first treatment and then annually to ensure your brows continue to look as good as they can be. 

Is Microblading Covered By Medical Insurance?

In the United States, medical insurance doesn’t cover microblading and other beauty treatments of similar nature.

Although there are several medical conditions, treatments, and even medicines that can cause a person to lose their brows, semi-permanent makeup treatments are sadly not covered by insurance providers. 

Preparing For Your Microblading Session

Every beauty treatment requires a little bit of preparation before the big day itself. You need to make sure you are not doing anything that can affect or alter the results. 

How you prepare yourself for the procedure before your appointment can also determine the life expectancy of the procedure. 

Here are some key things to take care of if you have a microblading appointment coming up:

  1. Steer clear of doing Botox or any other form of cosmetic surgery before your microblading appointment. Your last Botox or other neurotoxins should be at least 2-4 weeks AFTER the microblading appointment.
  2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for at least a day before the appointment.
  3. Vitamin E and fish oil supplements should be avoided at least five days before the appointment.
  4. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and blood thinners should be avoided for at least five days ahead of the appointment.

There could also be some other precautions that you may have to take and your  permanent makeup artist will discuss with you if needed. Follow their advice for the best results. Always discuss your medical history with the artist so that they know you are a good candidate for Microblading.

How Long Does Microblading Take to Heal?

Permanent makeup is unlike the regular makeup that you apply that lasts for about fifteen minutes before needing a touchup. 

Microblading is a lot like getting a tattoo except it is less painful and not as deep in the skin. As such, after the procedure is completed, the skin beneath your brows needs time to heal and the microblading needs time to settle.

The pigments inserted into the skin need about a week to relax into the outer layers of your skin. During the healing process, the skin on the brow area will scab and flake off, and you must not peel and pick during this time.

Also, you must keep the brows as dry as possible until they are properly healed. Water and sweat both can be harmful to the pigment at this stage. This is why working out (due to excessive sweating) and water must be avoided.

The Average Age of Microblading

Even permanent makeup has an age limit. It may not completely go away, but it will start to fade and lose color over time. This is why you need to get touch-ups to keep your brows looking fresh. The question is though, how long do your perfect-looking brows last?

There is not an exact answer to this question because everyone has a different rate of metabolization and lifestyle.  For example:  If you are in your 20’s and enjoy water sports, your brows will not last as long as someone in their 50’s who stays out of the sun. When it comes to microblading, on average, it should give you 18 to 30 months of carefree good brow days. If you would like your brows to last longer consider another permanent makeup technique called “Powder Brows”.

The cue to tell you its touchup time is simple; your pigment will start to fade noticeably and you will find yourself relying more on your eyebrow pencil.

The touch-ups for microblading are similar to the root touch-ups you get for your hair. If you visit your artist early as the pigment begins to fade, you will only have to get the color filled in. However, if you wait longer than advised, you may have to get the entire procedure done on both eyebrows again. It will take more time and cost you much more than a simple touchup.

Your skin type also determines the time of the touchup. If your skin secretes a high amount of sebum or oil, it may be difficult for the pigment to adhere to the skin. In simpler words, oily or combination skin type requires more frequent visits to the brow lady for touch-ups as compared to dry or normal skin.

Speaking with the permanent makeup artist about your skin type and what you should expect once you get microblading is very important. You should be aware of the results you will get and how long you can enjoy the perfect brows without worrying about fading.

Microblading Services In Los Angeles, CA

You need to be careful when you are choosing a brow artist. Do your research and find someone licensed, insured and who has good reviews from their clients. 

 Lily The Pink permanent makeup LA, based out of Los Angeles, might be the perfect location for you if you live in California or plan on visiting. With them, you know you are in the best of hands as their experience, pristine facility, and warm bedside manner will make you feel welcome and at home. 

Categories: Microblading